Friday, November 30, 2007

Workshop weekend..

I sit here in the Phoenix airport where H & I missed our connection to San Jose. We were stuck on the runway at ABQ because of "weather delays" in Phoenix-"Don't worry about your connection-all the flights are running behind" Well, we landed here and there was no rain, not even any turbulence and it appears that our flight was the only one with the "weather issues". Now I feel distrusting of this reason for missing my flight. Like the airlines are plotting just to keep their profits up in some way. At any rate, we are stuck here for 3 extra hours. We should be on the road to our condo near Santa Cruz, California as I write this. OK-now breathe! Now the clouds really do look dark and thunder is predicted so who knows when we will get to face California rush hour traffic at this rate. To top it off, there is a bird flying around our heads here in the terminal-a bird-no kidding. Hartley says this is a bad sign-is it? He seems to like us alot because we have been eating sandwiches and have crumbs I guess. Not a normal sight in an airport in my experience.

The good new is we are going to a great conference this weekend on the beach in CA with none other than Mark Allen-yep the Mark Allen-famous triathlete extraordinaire. He is doing a workshop with a Shaman called "Fit Body, Fit Soul, a Visionary Way to Health, Balance and Well-Being". We rented a very nice (we hope) condo on the beach to enjoy the great Mother Ocean while we are taking in education and spirituality. This workshop is something we know nothing about so should be interesting. We were told to bring pocket knives and hiking shoes. Some kind of art/self exploration exercise, I guess. I am just hoping this will make me a really fast triathlete and secretly make Hartley want to do an Ironman. He is still injured from Soma so not looking good at the moment. Guess i will be running on the beach alone this weekend-bummer.

Looking forward to the weekend-OK now we have only 2 hours to wait..then California rush hour on Friday in a rental car for 2 hours. That should be fun!


momo said...

sending calming vibes from up here in scottsdale!! :-) you're so close!

hope you have a wonderful weekend when you finally get there.

21stCenturyMom said...

A shack at the beach in that area would be fab.

Enjoy your New Age/Athletic seminar. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Duane said...

Sounds like fun! Healing vibes to Hartley!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

gosh that sounds like fun. Tell me all about it when you get back!

Podium quest said...

I feel for you guys! I hate being delayed on a plane or terminal. It feels like I'm being held against my will. Hostage even. That seminar sure sounds like fun. Please write all you can about what you learn. I'm sure interested.

Vickie said...

Well hopefully you got to your destination without too much more frustration or delay. Sounds like an interesting workshop. You'll have to teach us a thing or two. As for the bird in the terminal? I've seen them in Detroit and Newark. Once they get in, its hard for them to find a way out.

Michael G said...


Sorry about the delays....I've been two straight weeks without an airline delay!! Of course, I've also been two straight weeks without there you go. Michi and I just watched IM Hawaii....powerful stuff...enjoy the seminar and come back ready to start next season and have a great IM.