Wednesday, September 24, 2008

IM training and stuff....

Ironman training: OK, I am psyched now! H and I did our long ride today instead of the weekend which I will explain later. We were suppose to start at 7:00 AM for a 5 hour bike ride wrapped around a ride with our Wed bike group at 9:00. Well, when you are retired you should get to do whatever the hell you want-so we did. We slept in, met the group at 9:00 and ended up riding 4 hours and 15 min. I have to confess that we did do a fairly flat ride, to Los Lunas and back. And yes, our friend Chris on a fixed gear mountain bike pulled us most of the way (he is amazing-no duh). Regardless, we averaged 16.5 MPH!! Holy crap-that is really fast for me! Then it started to sneak in. That little thought in the recesses of my mind: I do believe I could get a PR at IMAZ.. Then H said Wow I'll bet you could get a PR in Arizona! Now do I believe this? YES! But what I said was Well, you never know what could happen..Shit can happen you know.. Immediately doubting myself..To think that 2 weeks ago I was ready to bail and now I feel like I am in the best shape ever...Oh my..

The Baby: The reason I am missing my long bike ride is that I am going to daughter Becca's baby shower in Denver. Here she is with baby Hadley:

Isn't the baby cute? Oh that's right,we haven't seen her yet. However the genes are quite strong on my side of the family so chances are she may look alot like her mom.
We get to see baby Hadley on ultrasound on Friday. This may give us some clues!

Something new: I am kind of a creature of habit. I eat the same stuff everyday, always sleep with a noisemaker, fall asleep to the radio in my ear. Watch TV at night, train during the day, walk the dog every other day..You know..that stuff. So for me to get off my butt and do something out of this zone is new for me. I have never been a very political person. I even went a couple of times not voting at all for a president...Somehow, this election year, I am invested in who wins. Soooo..instead of just blabbing about it, I took action. I went to my candidate's local office last night and spent 2 hours making phone calls. To strangers..asking who they were going to vote for. As soon as I sat down I said I am about to be one of those annoying people that I usually hang up on! But I carried on anyway. The first call of course was someone who had a question I did not know the answer to about my candidate. Strike one! My biggest fear realized already..Then I went on to call about 200 people and talked to maybe a dozen. Some hung up on me (I will never hang up on a pollster again)..One guy said it was none of my damn business who he is voting for! OK so I took this as a sign that he did not want to discuss politics with a random stranger. I can understand that. But do you have to be so rude? I visited with really nice people too, who cheered me on in my quest to do something to help the campaign. One guy said he was voting for Perot (as in Ross). I said I thought that he was a bit behind on the he still alive? The guy gave me a hard time and finally I said You know I am just a Joe Schmo just like you just trying here.. He softened and said yea you probably talk to jerks like me all the time on the phone. To which I said Oh no, you are not the biggest jerk I have talked to tonite by any means! We both laughed and I said Be sure to vote for whoever you are voting for and have a nice day! On and on it went. It was kind of fun, very interesting and yes I will do it again next week..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I did a 78 mile bike ride yesterday with some Outlaw IMAZ training buddies. Although I was a bit grumpy to begin with, I did manage to pull it off in a little less than 5 hours. I am getting faster!

Later, we had dinner with Bones, IronOutlaw, newly named CP Killa (my hubby)and Lorna (yet to be named) at the NYPD pizza place.
And of course afterwards, we saw this:

H at the end of the rainbow! MG in front of my new "Pre-Ass"

This was sign that we go to Flying Star to have a decedent dessert. I, for one, thought I had just done an Ironman already because I pigged out on some huge chocolate thing..We laughed until my sides hurt. Great time with friends!

Today 11.7 mile run to be exact. Now it is Fall. No more hot weather running, I hope. There were beautiful days the past 2 days to do all this crazy training in..I have my mojo back for sure..