Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Civic Duty Calling

i have to go to Court today. Oh not for anything I did-it is Jury Duty. Now as a good citizen who is unemployed, I should think this is a privilege, right? But seems I am too busy to do this thing they call civic duty. (Shut up all of you)..I will get out of it today because I have a medical procedure but then tomorrow's chiro appt, Thursday's massage, dentist appt. I mean all these things are important pre-race rituals! (Except the dentist). Maybe they will feel sorry for me and let me out of the whole thing when they hear my medical plight. I just realized I resent having to be anywhere i don't wanna be right now. Call it spoiled, call it selfish, that's just the way I feel. Anything that even sounds like a job-jury DUTY-makes me resentful. Wow-wonder if i have any nice clothes left? what is one suppose to wear to jury duty? Do you think they will allow my pajamas cause I don't get dressed before 9:00..
Stay tuned..


Unknown said...

Hi Debi - Just tell them kindly you can't be bothered with Jury Duty, you have a 70.3 this weekend! Surely they'll understand...or not...

Anyway, I'd *love* to talk with you sometime. Maybe you can help me piece together what is going on with me. If you have comments going to your email, reply to this one and it will email me back, or there is a link to my email on my blog.

Bones said...

Hey IM,

Wonder if there is a treadmill in hotel you are going to be sequestered in? :)