Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Continued tales of jury duty..

Well, they informed me at 7:55 AM this morning I had to be at the Courthouse for jury duty at 8:45. Apparently, someone "forgot" to put the message on the machine last night-the one you call to see if you have to come in the next day. I went in the crappiest clothes i could find and not be considered homeless so they would not pick me. The questions from the lawyers took about 5 minutes. Really bright questions like "do any of you hate lawyers" and quoting Shakespear or something..I almost laughed out loud. Then did anyone own a Harley? I almost said "No, but my husband is Hartley-does that count?" The only question I answered was "do people who ride motorcycles bother you?" I said "Yes, when they do not have a helmet on. I hate seeing their brains all over the road when they crash" Well, I did say the first part..Seriously, I have seen in my old hospital nursing days that the guys who did not wear helmets ended up dead or quadriplegics and it was SAD. Well, apparently this was not a personal injury case but I said enough that they didn't pick me-yea! I had a very important hair appointment this afternoon-if you are a girl and you have that hairstylist it takes weeks to get into-you understand! I am so over my civic duty at this point-3 more days.....

1 comment:

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Sweet Baboo went through all this back in Feb or march, I believe. Frustration. I wonder when it will be my turn.